Wednesday, May 13, 2009

To Veggies, With Love

Summer is upon us and vegetables are coming in from all over. I know I'll be taking advantage of fresh seasonal offerings. I want to post a few recipes from my coffers that are among my best. Some veggies are quite versatile and one can prepare them in a plethora of ways. There are others that offer more of a challenge. I have one recipe for brussel sprouts - it's excellent and I never diverge from it. So, here is my recipe for brussel sprouts. If you're not a fan, I beg you to try them this way just once and see if it changes your mind.

16-20 brussel sprouts, washed, dried and halved lengthwise
2 tablespoons butter
1 tablespoon olive oil, maybe more
2 cloves garlic, peeled
melt the butter in a medium iron skillet over medium-low heat. add your garlic and slowly brown (careful not to burn it). remove garlic and reserve. place brussel sprouts cut side down in pan and cook slowly until golden-brown. remove from pan. chop toasted garlic, sprinkle over the top and serve immediately.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Sugar Alternatives

Having Type 1 Diabetes can be tricky. High blood sugar can cause symptoms like these in the short term and much more serious complications for me long-term. I do what I can to keep my blood sugar at a happy number. Sometimes, this means saying no to dessert. Sometimes, this means taking a HUGE shot or bolus before I indulge. Sometimes, I look for other ways to satisfy my sweet tooth. Even if you aren't watching your blood sugars like a hawk, sugar intake is important to consider. If you aspire to live a healthy lifestyle but also like to bake, sugar can really pose a problem for you. I do not advocate using man-made sugar substitutes, especially when you are baking for your kids. However, there are several natural sugar alternatives you can try in your recipes.

Barley Malt and Brown Rice Syrup are both excellent, natural substitutes. Use 1 to 1 1/2 cups per cup of sugar and reduce your liquids by 1/4 cup. If there are no liquids in your particular recipe, you may add 3/5 tablespoons of flour for each 3/4 cup of the sweetener.)

Other alternatives you may want to try:

-Pureed Dates - simply chop and blend with hot water to puree
-Overripe Bananas, mashed
-Fruit Juice Concentrates
- Stevia

These last few may require experimentation. Stevia is especially potent so handle with care!