Thursday, December 10, 2009

Out With the Old...

Just a quick note on food safety...

This is a time of year when we use some spices we haven't used in a while. After all, not that many recipes call for ground anise, right? Plus, we're making hot chocolate and all sorts of pies with cinnamon, nutmeg and more. Yummy. Make sure your spices are fresh. If you haven't used a spice in a few months, chances are it's no longer at its' best. Plus, there is potential for great harm in using old spices, especially cardamom, fennel, anise, curry powder, and basically everything middle eastern in flavor. Why? Well, we can thank Aflatoxin, a toxin produced by mold that grows on things like these spices, corn food stuffs, nuts, dried fruits and more. The toxin can be deadly in high doses but Aflatoxosis is only common in third world countries. However, long-term exposure can lead to certain types of cancer. If you really want to learn about Aflatoxin, read this article from Cornell University:

Most of the risk of exposure happens before it gets into our cabinets, but it's still a good idea to throw out old spices and opt for fresher ones. Happy Christmas baking everyone!